The Bermuda Floor-Standing 5in1 Turntable by Crosley

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The Bermuda Floor-Standing 5in1 Turntable by Crosley

The Bermuda floor-standing 5in1 turntable by Crosley is a great choice for people who want to own a high-quality record player. This model mimics the design of older record players such as the Dansette. The exterior is made from thick canvas, which covers the majority of the record player's lid and the speakers. The unit is available in several color schemes, and the user manual is well-written and easy to follow.

The Crosley Bermuda has Bluetooth connectivity, a built-in Bluetooth receiver, and classic mod styling. It has a full-sized platter with a ceramic cartridge and plastic tonearm. It also comes with a CD player hidden within the platter. You can play your vinyl collection with the Crosley Bermuda. This player has a pricey price tag, but it's worth every penny. This model is also equipped with a Bluetooth receiver and FM radio.

Tags:bermuda floor-standing 5in1 turntable
